Best Paris Travel Budget Calculator (2024)

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Planning a trip to Paris can be an exciting yet intimidating task, especially when calculating the overall travel budget.

As someone who has personally explored this enchanting city, I understand the importance of estimating costs accurately to maximize your experience.

From accommodations and transportation to meals and attractions, keeping track of expenses can help you avoid unforeseen surprises and focus on enjoying the city of love.

One tool that can significantly assist in this process is a Paris Travel Budget Calculator.

This calculator provides a simple and efficient way to estimate your daily expenses in Paris, considering elements like accommodation, food, transportation, and various attractions.

Utilizing a Paris Travel Budget Calculator can help you plan your trip more effectively.

By understanding the potential costs, you can prioritize the city’s must-see attractions and hidden gems, allowing you to craft the perfect Parisian experience tailored to your unique interests and preferences.

Ultimately, this practical tool may open doors to unexpected discoveries and create even more unforgettable memories in the city of lights.

A pink cafe on top of the hill in Montmartre Paris

How to Use the Calculator

Determine the type of accommodations you desire, whether budget-friendly hostels, mid-range hotels, or luxurious resorts.

Consider how much you’re willing to spend on meals – are you a foodie searching for gourmet experiences, or do you prefer casual dining or grabbing meals on the go?

Your entertainment options, transportation, and sightseeing choices will also significantly affect your budget.

Now that you know your travel preferences clearly, you can start utilizing the Paris Travel Budget Calculator.

Begin by entering the number of days you plan to spend in Paris. This will set the baseline for your calculations.

Next, input estimated travel insurance costs and preferred accommodations, aiming for an average nightly rate.

This information can easily be found by browsing hotel booking websites.

For meals, determine the average daily cost based on your dining preferences. Similarly, include expenses for transportation within the city.

Lastly, don’t forget to factor in the anticipated costs for various attractions and experiences.

Paris is rich in culture and history, so be sure to allocate funds for museum visits, guided tours, or must-see landmarks such as the Eiffel Tower or Louvre.

Once you’ve entered all relevant information, the Paris Travel Budget Calculator will estimate your total expenses for the trip compared to your travel budget.

With this information in hand, you can tailor your plans to align with your financial goals and ensure an enjoyable and budget-conscious journey to the City of Light.

Paris Travel Budget Calculator

How To Plan Your Paris Travel Budget

Planning your travel budget for a Paris getaway doesn’t need to be daunting!

Here’s a simple step-by-step guide to help you estimate your travel costs and ensure you make the most of your vacation.

1. Big Ticket Items

Start with the big ticket items. This includes your round-trip airfare and accommodation costs.

Be sure to consider the season as prices fluctuate throughout the year, with peak prices often seen during the summer, Christmas, and New Year.

travel tip
FareDrop logo of a plane on a suitcase


Check out FareDrop!

Created by full-time travellers Kara and Nate, FareDrop finds deals that save you up to 80% off your flight. Simply enter your home airport and where your dream destinations and you will receive alerts to the app when a cheap flight is available – this includes business class flights too!

2. Daily Expenses

Next, plan out your daily expenses. This should include food, drinks, transport, and entertainment.

Paris has an incredible culinary scene, from Michelin-starred restaurants to charming sidewalk cafes, so plan your food budget according to your dining preferences.

Don’t forget to include costs for sightseeing, like entry fees for museums and attractions.

Also, consider adding a daily budget for unexpected expenses, as having a buffer is always wise.

Add in costs for any day trips or tours you want. Paris is well situated for a number of great day trips, including Versailles, Mont Saint-Michel, and the Champagne region.

3. Travel Insurance

Account for your travel insurance – an essential for any trip – and any shopping or souvenirs you plan to return. Once you’ve accounted for all these categories, you’ll have a rough estimate of your travel budget.

Compare Travel Insurance Policies Here

4. Unexpected Costs

Remember to keep a little flexibility in your budget for unexpected opportunities. After all, you might stumble upon a fantastic local restaurant or find the perfect souvenir at a Parisian market!

A view of the Eiffel tower across a grassy park area

How To Save for Your Paris Vacation

  • Start by creating a dedicated “Paris Vacation” savings account. Regularly contribute a fixed amount to this account – consistency is key when saving for a specific goal. You might be surprised how quickly these regular contributions can add up over several months.
  • Cutting back on non-essential expenses is another effective way to save money. Perhaps you can skip the daily coffee shop visit and brew your coffee at home, or opt for a night in with a movie instead of a costly night out. Small changes to your daily routine can result in significant savings over time.
  • Consider picking up a side gig or freelancing to supplement your income. Online platforms offer many opportunities, from graphic design and content writing to pet sitting or selling handmade crafts.
  • Planning ahead can also help you save on the trip itself. Booking your flights and accommodation well in advance often results in lower prices. Also, watch for discounted entry fees for attractions or tour packages. Remember, every penny saved is a penny more you can enjoy spending in Paris.
Le consulat cafe in montmatre in Paris

How to Travel Paris on a Budget


Start by seeking out affordable accommodations. Consider options beyond hotels, such as budget hostels, guesthouses, or vacation rental properties. Sites like VRBO can often provide budget-friendly choices in great locations.


Transportation in Paris is also key to saving money.

The city’s public transport system is comprehensive and efficient. Take advantage of the Paris Metro, buses, and the Vélib’ bike-sharing program to get around affordably.

If you plan to visit many sites, consider investing in a Paris Visite travel card for unlimited travel within certain zones.


Eating in Paris can be done on a budget while still enjoying the culinary delights the city is famous for.

Skip the expensive tourist-trap restaurants and opt for local bakeries, street food like crêpes, or supermarket delicacies that you can enjoy in one of Paris’s beautiful parks.


When it comes to attractions, many of Paris’s iconic sites such as the Notre-Dame Cathedral, Sacré-Cœur Basilica, or the picturesque neighborhood of Montmartre are free to visit.

Many museums, including the Louvre and the Musée d’Orsay, offer free entry on the first Sunday of every month, while the Paris Museum Pass can offer substantial savings if you’re planning to visit many paid sites.

Remember, part of the magic of Paris lies in its enchanting streets, bustling markets, and riverside ambience.

Take time to wander and explore without a set destination in mind. After all, the best things in Paris – like the sight of the Eiffel Tower lighting up the night or the charm of a quiet cobblestone street – are absolutely free!

FAQs: Paris Vacation Budget Calculator

How Much Would an Average Trip to Paris Cost?

The cost of a trip to Paris can vary significantly based on factors like travel season, accommodation choices, and personal spending habits. However, as a rough estimate, expect to budget around $200-$300 per day, which includes accommodation, meals, sightseeing, and local transportation. Thus, a week-long trip might cost between $1,400 and $2,100 per person.

How Much Money Would You Need for 3 Days in Paris?

For a three-day trip to Paris, considering moderate accommodation, meals, sightseeing, and local transportation, you should budget approximately $600-$900. However, costs can vary greatly based on individual preferences and choices. Plan ahead for a more accurate estimate, taking into account current prices and your personal travel style.

How do I Calculate My Travel Budget?

To calculate your travel budget, list all potential costs: round trip airfare, accommodation, daily meals, transportation, attractions, and extra spending money. Research current prices for each. Don’t forget travel insurance and potential emergency expenses. Sum these costs to determine your overall budget. Break this down by day for a daily budget. Adjust as necessary based on your overall financial comfort level.

Wrap Up: Paris Trip Planner

Travelling to the awe-inspiring city of Paris should be an adventure that leaves you with unforgettable memories, not financial worries.

My Paris Travel Budget Calculator is designed to help you prepare and budget effectively, reducing stress and enhancing your overall travel experience.

Remember, budgeting doesn’t mean skimping on experiences, but rather making smart choices that allow you to enjoy all that Paris has to offer.

Use my calculator to take control of your vacation finances and then, all you’ll have left to do is pack your bags, hop on a plane, and say “Bonjour” to Paris!

For a complete guide on visiting Paris make sure you check out the Ultimate Guide to Visiting Paris for the First Time.

This guide will provide you with everything you need to know about visiting Paris from the best neighbourhoods to stay, to the best hotels, places to eat and how to get around.

As well as things to do in Paris and my best tips for your first time in Paris.

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